Genre: Documentary
3004 content found
The Lives of Felix 2023

In the realm of documentary series, The Lives of Felix emerges as a captivating journey, inviting viewers to delve into the multifaceted existence of Félix Colomer.

Category: Documentary

Bye Bye Barry 2023

The definitive story of Barry Sanders' Hall-of-Fame career and his extraordinary decision to walk away from the game in the prime of his career.

Category: Documentary, Sport

Stars: Barry Sanders, Tim Allen, Bill Belichick

8.7 IMDB Rating 867 Views
Trevligt folk deluxe 2016–

Following the first ever Somali bandy team in their struggle to reach the World Championship in Siberia 2014. The team lives and trains in Borlänge, Sweden and is coached by legendary, former bandy player Per Fosshaug and Cia Embretsen.

Category: Documentary, Sport

Stars: Fredrik Wikingsson, Filip Hammar, Patrik Andersson

7.5 IMDB Rating 1,091 Views
King on Screen 2022

1976, Brian de Palma directs Carrie, the first novel by Stephen King. Since, more than 50 directors adapted the master of horror's books, in more than 80 films and series, making him now, the most adapted author still alive in the world.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Mike Flanagan, André Øvredal, James Caan

7.2 IMDB Rating 962 Views
Kalla fakta: Inlåst 2023

Olivia blir överfallen av sin taxiförare. Redan samma natt har polisen namnet på föraren. Men det som till en början verkar vara ett lättuppklarat ärende kommer bli en mardröm som bara fortsätter. Det här är berättelsen om en taxiförare som inte går att stoppa.

Category: Crime, Documentary

How to Become a Mob Boss 2023–

Peter Dinklage narrates through this satirical guide that delves into the rise and fall of history's most famous mob bosses, from Al Capone to Pablo Escobar, and their tactics for success.

Category: Crime, Documentary

Stars: Peter Dinklage,George Anastasia,Renee Graziano

7.6 IMDB Rating 1,473 Views
The Fake Sheikh 2023–

Maverick British reporter Mazher Mahmood, whose exposés generated headlines by his use of false identities to ensnare royals, sports stars, politicians, celebrities and members of the public.

Category: Documentary

Stars: li Afzal , Aylia Fox , Paul Samrai

Hitler’s Last Stand 2018–

As the end of WWII approaches, diehard Nazi forces fight to the end to stop Allied armies from freeing Europe.

Category: Documentary, History, War

Stars: Alessandro Pekin, Gavin Marck, Nathan Plumite

6.2 IMDB Rating 3,054 Views
Drive with Swizz Beatz 2023–

Swizz Beatz, a hip-hop legend and avid car collector, travels to car-friendly locales where he explores the local car culture and unites two otherwise separate car clubs through a shared love of all things automotive and an understanding of what it's like to overcome obstacles solely through willpower.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Swizz Beatz, Nasir Dean

Cornwall Air 999 2020–

Documentary series giving an insight into the world of the helicopter pilots and paramedics providing critical care to the most seriously sick and injured people in Cornwall.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Dawn French

9.2 IMDB Rating 1,991 Views
Stand Up & Shout: Songs from a Philly High School 2023

This soul-stirring musical documentary highlights a Philadelphia high school program that encourages students to channel their thoughts, feelings, and dreams into an album of rousing original songs.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Andrew Lipke, Kristal TyteWriter Oliver, Bethlehem Roberson

6.0 IMDB Rating 555 Views
Incredible Animal Journeys 2023–

Humans may believe that they are the greatest explorers in the world, but they are not. Millions of animals migrate across the globe every day on paths that have been used for centuries.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Jeremy Renner

9.0 IMDB Rating 1,651 Views
Every Body 2023

Focuses on three individuals who overcame shame, secrecy, and unauthorized surgery throughout their childhoods to enjoy successful adulthoods. Choosing to ignore medical advice to conceal their bodies and coming out as who they truly were.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Sean Saifa Wall, Alicia Roth Weigel, River Gallo

6.3 IMDB Rating 457 Views
Destination: Pluto Beyond the Flyby 2016

Join the New Horizons team to examine the latest findings and imagery from Pluto and the fringes of our solar system. They reveal a world unlike any other we've seen yet.

Category: Documentary

6.7 IMDB Rating 447 Views
Hemligstamplat Stad i Underjorden 2007

I juli 1944 när sovjetiska trupper närmade sig Warszawa startade den polska hemmaarmén ett uppror för att driva ut tyskarna och för att rädda landet från Stalin. Warszawaupproret blev oerhört blodigt och slutade med att staden så gott som totalförstördes. Medan striderna pågick på gatorna använde hemmaarmén stadens kloaksystem för att forsla vapen, stridande och information mellan enheterna. Under upprorets sista dagar evakuerades även tusentals civila genom de underjordiska gångarna.

Category: Documentary, History

Auschwitz: The Forgotten Evidence 2004

The Nazi extermination camps at Auschwitz in Poland were photographed in extraordinary detail from the air. By combining emotional memories of those who experienced the camp and an almost forensic analysis of the shocking process of genocide, this film evokes details of the horror of Europe's darkest hour in a uniquely compelling way.

Category: Documentary

7.2 IMDB Rating 565 Views
Agenternas världskrig – Jan Guillou berättar 2019

Med författaren Jan Guillou som ciceron möter vi fyra kvinnor som drogs in i den lika farliga som hemliga agentverksamheten under andra världskriget. Den norska kontorsflickan Eva Kløvstad insåg plötsligt att hon måste bygga upp den motståndsverksamhet som nazisterna i hennes hemtrakt lyckats rasera. Karin Lannby, ungkommunist, poet och äventyrerska blev en av den svenska underrättelsetjänstens viktigaste agenter. Jane Horney misstänktes vara tysk spion och avrättades av den danska motståndsrörelsen. Och så Sonja Wigert, den firade norska skådespelerskan som rekryterades av den svenska underrättelsetjänsten för att infiltrera den högsta tyska ledningen i sitt ockuperade hemland.

Category: Documentary, History, War

Stars: Lena Pettersson , Jan Guillou ,Iselin Theien

Kennedy 2023–

A chronicle of John F. Kennedy's life, including his youth, ascension into politics, presidency, and his lasting impact on history.

Category: Biography, Documentary, History

Stars: Conan O'Brien, Bruce Greenwood, Peter Coyote

8.9 IMDB Rating 1,424 Views
Leriga Rötter 2023

Välkommen till Europas bakgård, långt ifrån den moderna toppfotbollen.

Category: Documentary, Sport

Stamped from the Beginning 2023

A hybrid documentary/scripted feature based on Dr. Kendi's National Book Award-winning "Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas".

Category: Documentary

Stars: Angela Davis, Ibram X. Kendi, Julian Joseph

5.7 IMDB Rating 671 Views