The Reconstruction of William Zero
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The Reconstruction of William Zero

En genetiker som vaknar FR ÅN en olycka med bara fragment av hans minne är tvungen att lära om vem han är genom sin tvillingbror. Men som han gräver d...jupare upptäcker han att han kanske inte var som han trodde på alla. Show More


The Reconstruction of William Zero is a thought-provoking and mind-bending sci-fi thriller that explores the complexities of identity and memory. The film centers around a geneticist who wakes up from an accident with only fragments of his memory intact. Desperate to understand who he is, he turns to his identical twin brother for help.

As the geneticist delves deeper into his past, he uncovers shocking truths about his own identity. The film takes viewers on a suspenseful journey filled with twists and turns, as the geneticist confronts the dark secrets buried within his own mind.

With its gripping storyline and strong performances, The Reconstruction of William Zero keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The film poses profound questions about the nature of personal identity and the fragility of memory, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricacies of human consciousness.

This thought-provoking sci-fi thriller is a must-watch for fans of mind-bending narratives and exploration of existential themes. The Reconstruction of William Zero is a thrilling and visually stunning film that will leave audiences questioning their own reality long after the credits roll.